
ProFamily Group

Tel: (818) 274-6312


ProFamily Group

The Pro Family Group was created as a way for people in the area to meet, network, and support each other. We exchange information, listen to poetry readings, and give short presentations at each meeting. Whether it's a career goal, a family goal, or a personal goal, the group helps empower all members of a family to reach them.

Connecting with others who share similar interests and values is refreshing, energizing, and motivating for those who have participated in these groups. Along with finding new friends, many have made new colleagues and changed their lives by enrolling in school, finding a new job, or learning new techniques to improve their marriages and parenting. The Pro Family Group is a non-profit organization based in California.


Pro Family Group meets on the third Sunday of every month from 4 to 6 p.m. 

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turtle rock

Turtle Rock Community Park
1 Sunnyhill,
Irvine, CA 92603

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Our nonprofit family group is dedicated to improving families' lives by providing a safe, nurturing, and supportive...

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photo gallery
Photo/Video Gallery

View a collection of some of our highlights. 

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Our Mission

Women and men will be supported in their career and family choices through group interaction and job placement. We will also provide an environment through which older adults can gather to share their experiences and skills. Our goal is to provide an environment in which individual needs and interests are validated...


Psychological seminars

Guest speakers

Networking opportunities

The Pro Family Group is a family networking group dedicated to meeting, networking, and supporting one another in both the family and career spheres. During each meeting, short presentations are given, poetry is read, and information is exchanged. The topics of discussion are determined by the group members based on the interests of the participants. Our goal is to make people happier and better people in their lives and in the lives of others.

The Pro Family Group does not charge fees for participation in its events.
You are encouraged to participate and provide feedback on a regular basis.

"ProFamily Group".

The Pro Family Group was created as a way for people in the area to meet, network, and support each other. We exchange information, listen to poetry readings, and give short presentations at each meeting.
Connecting with others who share similar interests and values is refreshing, energizing, and motivating for those who have participated in these groups.

Some of our Previous Events

PFG April 21_2024_Rev6
PFG March 17Th 2024_6
PFG March 17th 2024


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